πŸ‘‹ Hi I am

Dail Williams

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Front-end developer, based in the USA

Haiku Generator

I developed a Haiku Generator using Visual Studio, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, seamlessly adding API integration to ensure authenticity in the generated poems. The project emphasized user experience, featuring a visually appealing interface with intuitive navigation and responsive design. Through careful consideration of layout, color schemes, and typography, the Haiku Generator provided a seamless and engaging user journey, showcasing my commitment to creating innovative solutions that prioritize both functionality and user satisfaction.

Weather app

The development of this Weather Application allowed me to showcase my newfound knowledge of React along with essential tools such as loops, AJAX, Node.js, terminal, and Axios. Utilizing React allowed for the creation of a dynamic and responsive user interface, enhancing the overall user experience. Through AJAX requests powered by Axios, real-time weather data is retrieved from external APIs, providing accurate and up-to-date information to users. The integration of Node.js facilitates server-side operations, ensuring smooth data processing and application functionality. By combining these technologies and techniques, the Weather Application showcased my ability to use modern tools and methodologies to create efficient and user-friendly applications that meet the needs of today's dynamic digital landscape.

Travel Website

In creating a travel website, I seamlessly blended responsive CSS grids, HTML tables, CSS Filters, CSS Hero, and HTML Embeds to craft a visually captivating and user-friendly platform. Utilizing responsive CSS grids ensured optimal display across devices, while HTML tables organized potential travel spots. CSS Filters added creativity and sophistication to images, and CSS Hero streamlined customization. HTML Embeds facilitated seamless integration of multimedia content, enriching the site with engaging visuals. Together, these tools created a compelling website that captivates users and inspires travel exploration.